May 4, 2007


What's Wrong with this Picture ?
Answer Below

When I first started my garden blog back in February I did what any hospitable Southerner would do - paid a call on several blogs I found interesting and introduced myself. Well ! You would have thunk I committed a crime in Blogosphere with the responses I got . Holy Cow, Batman, what has happened to civility ? Isn't there more than enough room for a new kid on the block ? I was "put in my place" and responses such as " I don't have time to add you to my
list, or that's NOT the way things are done, " etc. were common.

I was amazed to find that I was but one of a handful of garden bloggers in the great Windy City of Chicago and that even our Chicago Tribune didn't have a blog. So when Garden writer Beth Botts of the Tribune started a blog she contacted me and Mr. Brown Thumb and did an article on us . Of course, Mr. Brown Thumb and I thought it was great since the Tribune has always had a very popular Home and Garden Section and we had our fifteen minutes of fame.

I won't mention the blogsnobs but I do want to thank those that have been so supportive and encouraging to a newbie such as myself : Thanks much, Mr. Brown Thumb, Annie in Austin, Kathy at Blogging from Illinois, Beth Botts, TheChicagoGardener of the Chicago Tribune, Beverly of In My Backyard, Christa at In the Garden Online, Rosemarie's Garden, Sissy from Got Serenity, Kylee from Our Little Acre, Shelia Lennon at, and Old Roses at Garden Voices. Your support and encouragement means a great deal to me. I consider all of you my new garden buddies.

I was amused when I saw the garden above and ran home and got my digital camera. What's wrong with the picture ? Nothing if you're from Florida.
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