January 14, 2008


I read in a magazine article recently about a DIET FORK. Now I've heard of just about everything ! The creator claims that by using the fork and eating smaller bites, you'll chew more slowly and feel full before you overeat. Pass that by me again ? He must've been up all night thinking of that one. He's selling them in a package of 10 for $9.00.

My idea is illustrated in the photo above : Smaller plate, smaller portions, BIG FORK . The exercise you'll get in just lifting it will help you lose weight. I wonder if I should start a new business . I've got an idea : Chopsticks !


  1. Forget, it won't work. I tried the chopsticks routine. The result? I'm really good at using chopsticks now.

  2. Well you're just special, MMD ! Most people have trouble handling the chops unless they eat Asian food a lot .

  3. Good laugh, Carolyn! I think you're on to something with the BIG FORK ... you go girl ... and let me know when available for purchase!

  4. Thanks, Jodi. I always dread visiting your blog because you have all those tasty, tempting dishes that make me wish I had that huge fork !

  5. If only the big fork worked. I hate trying to lose weight. Let me know if you find the answer.

  6. My answer to losing weight : Eat healthy high fiber foods, (lots of fruit, veggies, beans and grains ) and exercize regularly. There are NO magic buttons or pills that I know of.


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