November 13, 2008


Carol of Maydreamsgardens declared yesterday DO NOTHING DAY in the garden. So I did nothing . The leaves were piling up, but I did nothing . Since it was a holiday I intended to observe it properly, but this doing nothing is harder than I thought.

I'm sure a lot of the neighbors passed by and cast a disapproving look at my leaf covered garden and thought I must be sick or something. They had no idea it was a holiday and that I was celebrating.

This morning I awoke refreshed and rested. The temperatures rebounded into the 50's and I shook off the holiday doldrums. I declare today, November 13, Git'er Done Day because if I don't do it today I'll probably end up with piles of snow covered leaves. I hate when that happens.

I cleaned this front bed and left a few leaves

Oakleaf Hydrangea is NOT happy with the last few frosty morns

Autumn Moon Maple still glorious in her bright pink and yellow attire.

A neighbor passed by while I was cleaning up the garden and remarked that she thought I had been sick. No I said, I've been on holiday. Holiday, what holiday ? Veteran's Day ? Do you get off for that ? No, it was Do Nothing day . Thinking I was joking she chuckled and said, imagine that, a holiday where you do absolutely nothing. Fabulous.


  1. Hi Carolyn Gail, I am late on this holiday and did nothing today. Tomorrow I will git'r done!


  2. What a great holiday :) I think I need one of those too.

  3. Well,,, I've had quite a number of days where I've done nothing outdoors lately (Very cold and some rain). I wish I could have been outdoors today, but I need some friend-time before I got busy with a few other things I needed to do. Tonight I'm going to begin painting the dining room!!! :-) Perhaps this weekend??

  4. That's the spirit! I didn't do anything yesterday, either, but it was more because it rained all day and I had to work all day. I feel cheated! I'll have to figure out another day to celebrate "do nothing".

    Now I also need some big time "Git Er Done" days, at least two this weekend, but I also heard the weatherman say something about snow...???

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  5. "Do Nothing day" Sounds great. Even i am planning to have a holiday like this.


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