April 15, 2010


 Front garden of Sweet Home & Garden Chicago

Back Garden

It's April bloom day and things are busting out all over.  As you can see above, the usual suspects are in bloom :  Daffodils, Tulips, Forsythia, Muscari, Bergenia, Carol Mackie Daphne, and my Asian pear, to name a few.

One more wonderful 80 degree day and everything else will awaken from it's long winter's sleep.  The Crabapple tree in the front garden is about to emerge as is the Betty magnolia in the back.

By all counts, Spring is one month early this year.  Let's hope it will not hold any nasty surprises in the form of late freezes and frosts.

Visit Carol of  May Dreams Garden to see what's blooming all across the USA.

Written by Carolyngail at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago
All rights reserved


  1. So many lovely blooms, Carolyn.If I didn't know better, I'd think this was a post from May! I agree--spring seems to have come a month early, and while I'm enjoying every minute of it, I hope, too, that there won't be any late freezes to spoil it.

  2. Spring is early here this year, too, but I haven't seen such a wonderful assortment of blooms here yet. Beautiful!

  3. Just beautiful Mom! very springy...

  4. Spring is early here too. I have roses beginning to bloom already!

  5. Beautiful collages Carolyn. I'm with you, hoping for no frost or freezes. I do hope we get that rain they're predicting for tonight - we can sure use it.

    Happy Bloom Day!

  6. You have got a nice garden out there. I think a connection with plants means a connection with the nature itself.


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