April 21, 2010


A clear waterfall

into the ripples

Fall green pine needles.


Gardening Gone Wild is inviting bloggers to participate in April's photographic theme  " green. "  

 In most gardens green is often thought of as a background, but the Japanese use it in various shades as the main color.    Flowers of the season -azaleas, plums, cherries,  maples, or mums are considered an added bonus .

I shot the photo above at  the Chicago Botanic Garden on a lovely summer day when the Iris were in bloom.  Through their skillful use of texture and elements of nature the Japanese have shown us that green is queen and everything else is subject to her majesty's pleasure.

Written by Carolyngail at Sweet Home and Garden Chicago
All rights reserved


  1. What a beautiful photo, good luck!

  2. The Queen of green is a tranquil ruler. Very lovely photo. Good luck!

  3. wonderful photo.. and love your banner pic, too!


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